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    Knorr Seasoning Potato Seasoning for Breakfast 75 g

    الشركة: Knorr
    Product Description: We have good news for those who like spice flavored delicacies for breakfast! Knorr Breakfast Seasoning Mix, specially blended by Knorr chefs, comes to add a delicious touch to your breakfast. Knorr Breakfast Spice Mixture, which you can use together with breakfast essentials such as eggs, cold cuts and olive oil, brings restaurant flavor breakfasts to your tables with the Arda Türkmen touch.
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    Knorr Breakfast Seasoning Mix, prepared with natural ingredients by Knorr, a supporter of sustainable agriculture, brings carefully selected flavors for your breakfast to your table. Knorr Breakfast Seasoning Mixture, which consists of a balanced mixture of 10 different spices; It will add flavor to your breakfast dishes such as tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, olive oil, scrambled eggs, omelets. Prepared with carefully selected natural ingredients, Knorr Breakfast Seasoning Mixture does not contain any additives. Moreover, you do not need to add salt to this balanced condiment consisting of spices such as thyme, basil, sesame, wild thyme, and hot red pepper.

    For the Knorr Breakfast Seasoning Mixture that will save you time and taste in your kitchen, we have a recipe suggestion for 2 people that will stay on your palate. Crack 2 eggs into a bowl and add 1 level teaspoon of spice, then beat with a fork. Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the pan and heat it, then add the beaten egg and cook it evenly on all sides. You can double your omelet and serve it hot.

    Knorr Breakfast Seasoning Mix, with its recyclable packaging from Knorr, a supporter of sustainable agriculture, will bring your breakfast together with the flavor of natural spices. Whether you mix the spice seasoning with olive oil and dip your bread, or add it to your omelet and egg recipes, create new flavors to suit your palate.

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