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    Oncu Sweet Pepper Paste1650g

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    صورة ناميت ديك رومي مدخن 60 غ
    صورة Pinar White Cheese 600g

    Pinar White Cheese 600g

    Pinar Breakfast Keyfi Toast Cheese; your delicious savior in your kitchen in your meals, breakfasts, all kinds of treats... Pinar offers products with an easy-to-open function that provide ease of use to its consumers. tore between +4°C and +10°C. Contents: Pasteurized cow's milk, emulsifying salts (sodium polyphosphate, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate), cheese culture, calcium chloride, rennet, salt, preservative (p.sorbate). Allergen warning: pasteurized cow's milk.
    صورة شوربة كريمة الدجاج كنور 65 جم

    شوربة كريمة الدجاج كنور 65 جم

    Knorr Creamy Chicken Soup 69 gr. It is the most practical version of the classic cream of chicken soup. The harmonious taste of large chicken pieces and cream stays on your palate for a long time. This light and delicious soup is the ideal choice for those who enjoy classic flavors. Its construction is very practical. The dry soup mix in each bag is added to 1 liter of water. After stirring until boiling, it is continued to be cooked on low heat for 15 minutes. Knor products; It is obtained by sorting, washing and drying the fresh vegetables bought in the season at appropriate temperatures. These products are cut into small pieces and put into durable and moisture-proof packages. In this way, it becomes ready to be used for a longer period of time. According to the type of product, spices, grains, legumes and meat products are added. It is recommended that the packages containing dry soups be stored in a cool, moisture-free and odorless environment before opening. There are no artificial flavors, artificial colors, preservatives and preservative additives in Knorr products.
    صورة كينت صوص ديمي جلاس 50 جرام

    كينت صوص ديمي جلاس 50 جرام

    يمكنك تحضير صلصة ديمي جلاس ، والتي تعد من بين الصلصات المفضلة والمفضلة في المطبخ العالمي ، من الناحية العملية للغاية بجودة وطعم كنت بورينجر. يمكنك إضافة نكهة لأطباق اللحوم التي ستطهوها في الفرن والوعاء عن طريق إضافة صلصة ديمي جلاس. يمكنك العثور على توصيات الطبخ في الجزء الخلفي من الصندوق.