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    كنور ترهانا شوربة 74 جم

    الشركة: Knorr
    كنور ترهانا شوربة 74 غرام. إنه أحد أكثر الأعضاء شهرة في سلسلة النكهات الكلاسيكية من كنور. يقدم لك طعم شوربة ترهانا في أكثر أشكالها عملية. هذا الحساء الخفيف واللذيذ هو الخيار الأمثل لأولئك الذين يستمتعون بالنكهات الكلاسيكية. بنائه عملي جدا. يضاف خليط الحساء الجاف في كل كيس إلى لتر واحد من الماء. يُحفظ على نار خفيفة لمدة 15 دقيقة بعد طهيه عن طريق التقليب حتى الغليان.
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    Knorr products; It is obtained by sorting, washing and drying the fresh vegetables bought in the season at appropriate temperatures. These products are cut into small pieces and put into durable and moisture-proof packages. In this way, it becomes ready to be used for a longer period of time.

    According to the type of product, spices, grains, legumes and meat products are added. It is recommended that the packages containing dry soups be stored in a cool, moisture-free and odorless environment before opening. There are no artificial flavors, artificial colors, preservatives and preservative additives in Knorr products.

    Remember; Soups cooked in slow fire by stirring with a wooden spoon are more delicious.

    Contents: Tarhana (34.5%) (wheat flour, yoghurt, tomato paste, red pepper, onion, yeast, salt), wheat flour, corn starch, iodized salt, dried ground tomatoes, semolina (wheat), cracker flour (wheat), dried ground onion, yeast extract, flavorings, sugar, yoghurt powder, vinegar powder, vegetable oil (palm), red pepper flakes, black pepper extract, sweet paprika extract, mint, turmeric.

    Allergen warning: May contain traces of eggs, mustard, soy, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios and sesame.

    Nutritional Value 100 g/ml
    Saturated fat (g) 1.1
    Energy (kJ) 1419.0
    Energy (kcal) 340.0
    Carbs (g) 65.3
    Fiber (g) 3.8
    Protein (g) 11.6
    Sodium (g) 0.0
    Salt (g) 9.9
    Fat (g) 3.5
    Sugar (g) 4.8

    العملاء الذين اشتروا هذا المنتج اشتروا أيضا
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