Hot sauce, which is indispensable in the service of meat dishes, besides meatballs, has become the flavoring of pot dishes and the most popular accompaniment of fast food products. In Kemal Kükrer Hot Sauce, which you can use in pastas, pizzas and salads as well as dip sauces, you can find the flavors of tomato, capia pepper, spices and of course Kemal Kükrer vinegar, which we produce with our expertise.
We have transformed garlic, which enhances the flavor of every dish it is in, into a wonderful sauce with Kemal Kükrer's meticulousness and expertise, and bottled it under ideal conditions so that you can have it at hand at any time effortlessly and use it practically in your meals. Garlic, one of the best known antibiotics, is also one of the important raw materials of the pharmaceutical industry. It is indispensable for Turkish Cuisine and especially for Mediterranean Cuisine. Garlic, which is rich in vitamins A, B and C and has two types, white and pink, has a strong effect on strengthening the immune system and especially fighting infection. Garlic, which we can easily use in delicatessen products, meat dishes, salads, and all baked goods, offers an unrivaled taste, especially when combined with yoghurt. Make room in your kitchens for Kemal Kükrer Garlic Sauce.
Jalapeno pepper, whose homeland is Mexico, has been grown in our country for many years. This pepper, which is used abundantly in the Mexican cuisine, which is famous for its hot dishes, can be consumed fresh or pickled, and is also very popular as a sauce. We have prepared this green, delicious and medium bitter sauce for you with the meticulousness and expertise of Kemal Kükrer. You can enjoy it in pastas, burgers, sandwiches, meat and chicken dishes.
It is an indispensable taste of Far East Cuisine. In addition to being used in meat, chicken, fish and vegetable marinations, its use in hot and cold sauces, soups and pot dishes makes a difference as an alternative to salt and to provide flavor saturation, as it is rich in umami.