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    Cif Power & Shine Spray Cleaner Kitchen Degreaser 750 ml

    Cif Spray Power & Shine Kitchen is your assistant in the kitchen with its hygienic structure. It offers powerful solutions for stove cleaning by effectively combating burnt and sticky oils. Developed for kitchen cleaning, the product also prevents the surfaces from being scratched and keeps them shiny. It also plays an important role in oven cleaning with its structure that dissolves difficult oils 100%. Cif, which can be used for cleaning countertops and sinks as well as surfaces with difficult stains such as stoves, ovens, hoods, can be easily applied to large surfaces thanks to its spray head. Cif Power & Shine Kitchen is dermatologically tested and does not contain phosphates, chlorine, dyes and parabens. It removes dried oil stains and dirt from your kitchen. Thanks to its strong and effective structure, it offers a sparkling and bright built-in cleaning. It also creates an effective oven cleaning option by combating oil stains that have dried due to high temperatures. It is sufficient alone for cleaning the sink that keeps the traces of tomato paste, frozen oil stains, food residues and many other dirt on it. Directions for use: Spray on the surface, wait a few seconds and then clean with a cloth and rinse. For more effective results on tough and stubborn dirt, wait a few minutes before wiping. For brighter results, wipe the surface once with a dry cloth after rinsing. Maximum hygiene, minimum effort with Cif Spray Power & Shine Kitchen! It has an effective formula that removes 100% of the tough oils. It leaves a smooth shine on the surfaces after cleaning. It is effective on burnt, stuck and dried oils. 100% Cif Power Dermatologically tested in Kitchen Cleaning.
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    It has an effective formula that removes 100% of the tough oils.

    It leaves a smooth shine on the surfaces after cleaning.

    It is effective on burnt, stuck and dried oils.

    100% Cif Power in Kitchen Cleaning.

    Dermatologically tested.

    100% Cif Strength.

    Bundled Items.

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