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    بودرة بودنغ فواكه الغابة من دكتور اويتكر 81 جرام

    الشركة: Dr. Oetker
    تناسق ونكهة فواكه الغابات مثل التوت والتوت الأسود والتوت ... يتم تحضيره عن طريق الطهي مع 500 مل من الحليب ويتم الوصول إلى وصفات مختلفة في كل عبوة.
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    1. Pour 500 ml (2.5 cups) of milk into a saucepan. Add the whole bag to it.

    2. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. When it starts to boil, reduce the heat and continue cooking, stirring for 2-3 more minutes.

    3. Pour the pudding you prepared into the bowls. Serve cold.

    Allergen Warning

    Warning to our consumers: This product does not contain any legally obligatory labeling ingredients that may cause allergic reactions or intolerance. Although it does not contain allergens/gluten due to its natural structure, it carries a risk of cross-contamination due to production conditions. However, always check the allergen information on the package for possible ingredient changes. Our gluten-free product series and our products that we have stated as gluten-free in their packaging should be evaluated independently of this warning. The necessary environment for the production of our gluten-free products is provided with great care.

    Energy512 kJ
    122 kcal
    Oil3.50 g
    Saturated fat2.30 g
    Carbohydrate19 g
    Candy15 g
    Protein3.20 g
    Salt0.11 g
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